What is coaching?

As a coach, it’s not my job to give you advice, tell you what to do or share my opinion. This journey is about you! It’s a space for you to think about what you want to achieve, and as we work together to find the solutions, you’ll come up with actions and outcomes that work best for you. My role is to keep you accountable, cheering you on through your big and small wins, as well as supporting you to re-gain your balance when you stumble or fall off track.

What I offer:

✓ Support & accountability

✓ Questions to help you find your own solutions

✓ New insights & perspectives

✓ Professional knowledge

✓ A relaxed-relatable-no BS approach

✓ Resources, tips & tools to support your journey

What you’ll gain:

✨ Empowerment & encouragement to tackle goals

✨ Stronger confidence & self-awareness

✨ Achievable broken down actions to take away

✨ Disciplined routines, healthy habits & positive mindset

✨ A safe space to reflect, rant and re-focus

✨ Direction, clarity & a thorough roadmap from here to your goal

What kind of coaching would be useful for you right now?

Book a single drop in session to tackle something in particular or choose a package below that can be tailored to you personally and what you need.



Do you want to reflect on the highs, lows, lessons and gratitudes of the year just gone, in order to recalibrate and refocus your mind for what you want to achieve in 2022? Then this package is for you!

x2 1-hour sessions



Are you ready for a job/career switch up? Whether you’re unemployed or in a job you don’t like, together we can work with where you’re at now and how to manifest your dream role. Offering guidance on how best to practice the Law of Attraction, helping you to map out your path of proactivity as well as support for your CV, LinkedIn and interview prep!

x4 1-hour sessions



Do you feel like you need to go back to basics, declutter your mind, surrender to the overwhelm, find new direction & start fresh by implementing small positive habits, while working through goals, step by step? Then let’s work together to sort your life out!

x3 1-hour sessions



Want to transform your life be it through work, career, finances, relationships or health? Want to bring that business idea to reality that you’ve always dreamt of? Normally set a goal but fall off the wagon after a couple of weeks? Make the commitment & let’s do it together.

x12 45-minute sessions

🌱 “Life coaching with Gaby has not only given me the confidence to start my own business but motivated me to move on from things that were no longer serving my life. Every time we chat, I feel empowered and driven. Gaby gives you the tools you need to be able to excel in any area that you feel needs more nurturing.” 🌱

— Lauren

Side note…

Coaching can be for the most ambitious go getters as well as the people who are ticking along still waiting to discover their direction. If you feel lost, overwhelmed, or like you don't even know what your goals are - this is exactly for you. You know what you want, deep down... Think to yourself, if I could do anything without failing, what would it be? It's scary! It's exciting! Sometimes the journey can have ugly bits too where we are confronted with our procrastination. But it's all about the growth.