Hi, I’m Gaby! Your Life Coach & Manifestation Guide


I have nine years of professional experience across creative industries; I began my career at Channel 4 Television finding new talent for the industry, then went on to work across some of Britain’s most loved TV shows, produced a radio show and then worked in Artist Management with the band Gorillaz.

I’ve always been a ‘helper’ so naturally all of the jobs I’ve experienced above fall into that. I’ve always helped people to meet their goals in some way or other - whether it’s putting out an album or coaching & mentoring young talent to take their careers to the next level. At the beginning of 2021, I decided to take a career diversion, making the transition from a full time job to becoming a certified coach and freelancer. 

🌱 “I wasn’t sure I was ready to start this journey, but Gaby made it feel so easy & looking back on the past five weeks I can’t believe she was ever not in my life!  My advice is to just go for it – you won’t know what you’re missing until you start. If it’s not for you, that’s fine, but she could very well change your life for the better!” 🌱

— Christina

As a Life Coach, my mission is to help you find alignment & balance through all elements in your life. I’ll work with you to create the time and space you need to take action & accomplish your biggest goals. 

In addition to my coaching programmes, I provide printable resources and workbooks which are built to help you reframe and recharge, set your goals in a new way and check in with yourself regularly. In our 1-1 sessions, my biggest goal is to help you unlock and reveal your absolute highest potential, giving you the gift of your greatest, most committed self. Our conversations will help you to discover new insights and perspectives.

It will not only grow your optimism and positivity day to day, but will support you in creating the future life you’ve always dreamed of.  

We all have a purpose in life and for many, the 9-5 just doesn't quite fulfil it. Absolutely anything you put your mind to is possible, so let's get some clarity and get to work. Investing in yourself is the most powerful thing to do and you are absolutely worthy of the incredible results yet to come!

If you’re ready to delve in and see what it’s all about, book your free clarity call:


🏆 My Training 🏆

I am a MOE Foundation certified coach, qualified in April 2021.

This qualification is recognised by the Association for Coaching. 

✉️ Connect with me ✉️

Email hello@gabypower.com

IG @itsgabypower

IG @powermoves.coaching

Facebook @powermovescoaching